
Life Is Tough But Stay Strong

By Elin Chow - Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Photo Copyright: Elin Chow "When life gets tough, remember you are tougher." This is officially my third week at my new job and today is the day I finally received my first pay cheque from my new company. One of the happiest thing happening to me in the month of April. Then I thought of the past 4 months. I could not remember...

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Visiting The Singapore Science Centre

By Elin Chow - Saturday, April 26, 2014
Official Website: The Singapore Science Centre Photo By: Elin Chow Like any other Friday nights, my husband and I were discussing about our plans for that coming weekend. As usual, it was a long discussion which usually will never get us anywhere. Most of the time we either ended up going for another weekend movie or just wandering aimlessly in the shopping malls. However,...

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