Appreciate, Cherish and be Grateful

By Elin Chow - Thursday, April 10, 2014

"I cried because I have no shoes until I saw a man with no feet. Life is full of blessings. But sometimes, we are just blind to see them".

If you start each day with gratitude, you will discover a new meaning to life. When you start to focus on the things which you have been blessed with instead on the things which you are still lacking, your attitude towards life will change. You will start to notice and aporeciate the little things around you and learn to cherish every precious moments. This is where you will feel true happiness and blissful even when life hasn't been really good to you.

I hope it's not too late now for me to truly understand the true blessings of life and also to realize how blissful and blessed my life actually is. All along, I live my life complaining about how bad my life is, but the truth is I am just too blind to see how fortunate and lucky I am. At least I am still alive, living well and not struggling to survive. I live a life of peace and freedom. But most of the time, I took things for granted.

Little but without doubt, one of the amazing little blessing in life. A beautiful morning scenary greeted me while I was on my way to work today. Immediately, without even realizing, I took out my phone to capture this precious moment. This is a moment which I wouldn't have noticed in the past.

Many other people thought I was weird. But I didn't care. They don't even feel that there is anything worth to be photographed. However, to me, such beautiful scene was rare. I believe it's not easy to capture a similar photo again even if you are at a similar spot at a similar time.

"No matter how good or bad life is, wake up each day and be thankful for life. Remember that someone in somewhere might be fighting for survival."

I finally made a tough decision recently. A decision which I have been struggling to make for months. That is to resign from a job I really hated. It was difficult because I would ended up being jobless. It makes me feel like I am a failure. I started looking for a new job before I handed in my resignation. I attended tons of interviews but kept on failing and failing again. A month passed and eventually I got really depressed.

Eventually, it was my husband who have convinced me to leave the company which made me feel really tired and unhappy everyday. He convinced me that the most important thing in life is not about money, but is to able to live each day happily and meaningfully.

"Sometimes you will never know the true value of a moment until it became memories"

Yes, he is right. Money and success should not be everything in life. I have failed to appreciate other things I have in life. I am blessed to marry such a good husband who gave me a warm shelter, food and clothes. Although not as frequent as many others, we also have the luxury to go for overseas vacations every now and then. However, the most important thing is he loves and cares for me more than anything else in the world. His love makes me feels warm and safe all the times. Being able to see him every morning when I wake up is a blessing. He kisses me, cuddles me and hugs me. He helped me to regain my self- confidence and gave me strength. He is the reason I smile and I am his.

But... I regretted that I never learn to cherish those moments and even took them as granted. I only came to appreciate those moments after we got separated due to his work. I could only miss those moments now.

Now I only learn to appreciate. I believe the temporary separation and waiting have enable us to appreciate and cherish each other's presence more. We never quarrel over small issues anymore. It's because we rather spend every of our second together creating fond and wonderful memories than to fight.

"I believe luck will come and find you if you look at the brighter side of life."

And indeed... I have been offered with a new job employment immediately after the week I resigned. Not even expecting one, not even hoping for one. I planned to take a short break and learn to enjoy life. But I accepted the job offer but requested to start a week later. For those of you who have been following me blog, you might have realized that I dedicated more of my time to blogging. A much more meaningful life.

I started work at my new company this week, which made updating less frequent. But still, I will try my best. My new job has been good so far. Probably it's because I have learnt to look at things from a different perspective. I appreciate the opportunity.

A pair of new shoes to start a brand new journey. I never once believe that saying that says, ''A pair of good shoes will take you to a good place." But now, I do and I hope this pair of new shoes will take me off on another wonderful journey.

Witnessing a beautiful sunset scene. I consider this to be another little blessing in life. Now looking back, I think I have a really blessed life. I am surrounded with some many wonderful things, yet I have been unhappy. "Try to slow down your pace and look at your surroundings, you will realize that you have more than what you thought you actually have," someone actually told me this a long time ago. I never get to understand its true meaning then. But now, I could.

Even though I feel sad and lonely without having my husband around, I have learnt to observe and appreciate my surroundings more. Cherish every moment in life.

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