
[Klang, Malaysia] Regent Pandan Layer Cake Shop 锦盛蛋糕店

By Elin Chow - Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Photo By: Elin Chow

Klang is often associated with Bak Kut Teh, but if you dig it a little further, you will find that the town is also famous for its legendary Pandan Layer Cake. Located just a few minutes walk away from Klang KTM station, the famous Regent Pandan Layer Cake Shop is an old school bakery established in 1977.

It is obvious that not much has changed in terms of décor since it opened its door more than 40 years ago.  The humble cake shop sells a variety of cakes and pastries such as Philippines chocolate cake, chiffon cake, swiss roll, etc. However, their signature is the Pandan layer cake. which is well loved by generations of Klang residents. Many people in the town and beyond grew up eating the famous five-layer Pandan cake, and it comes in a few varieties - the classic Pandan, Pandan mix Yam, Pandan mix Corn,  Durian, Corn and Yam. 

I bought their classic Pandan layer cake to try. The cakes are available in different sizes (250g, 500g and 1 kg) and this one I bought is 500g, which costs RM 26. I would recommend buying only what you can eat because the cakes have pretty short shelf life (3-5 days).

Opening the box, the first thing that hits your nose is the fragrance of the cake, which comes from the extract of Pandan leaves. The five distinct layers of sponge cake is layered with five layers smooth green kuih like filling that is made from freshly squeezed  Pandan juice, fresh  coconut milk and mung bean flour. 

Served chilled from the refrigerator, the texture of the cake is light, soft and smooth like jelly. I love that it is not overly sweet or rich, with no artificial flavoring or coloring added.

The sponge cake layers are sturdier and stronger than the typical sponge cakes you will find in the market. Despite the dense filling, the cake does not absorb moisture and become soggy from the slightly wet jellied layers.

The Verdict

This is probably the best Pandan layered cake I have tasted so far. For people visiting Klang, I think this will be a sweet souvenir to bring back home. The cakes get sold out quickly, especially on weekends. There are often long queue, but we were lucky that there were not many customers on the day we visited the shop. 

Regent Pandan Layer Cake Shop
70, Jalan Raya Timur
Kawasan 1
41000, Klang

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