
[Review] Hay day

By Elin Chow - Monday, January 13, 2014
I am in the progress on writing a few products reviews lately. However, thanks to my husband, I could not focus on finishing with the posts. I was introduced to a mobile and tablet game named "Hay day" by him recently. I downloaded the mobile app on my tablet a few days ago and has since been addicted to the game. I just...

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[Film Review] Born into Brothels

By Elin Chow - Saturday, January 04, 2014
Photo credit: Kids with Camera Two months ago, I remember writing a post on the family tradition of prostitution within the Bedia caste in India. However, my curiosity to understand and know more about India did not stop me here. Feeling deeply intrigued but disturbed by the facts I learned, I continued to read excessively on various social issues which has long existed within...

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New Year resolutions?

By Elin Chow - Wednesday, January 01, 2014
Happy New Year everyone!  Without realising, we welcomed the arrival of 2014. A brand new year, a brand new beginning and a list of brand new resolutions for the year. I am thankful that 2013 had been a rather smooth sailing year for me. I hope everyone of you has also enjoyed a great and fruitful year too. For those who has encountered...

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